Wednesday 25 June 2014

The Beginning

June 25th 2014

And I start to write... I have no idea what I will be posting this blog. Its my thoughts, my journey, my struggle, my happy momments, the scary ones. Just jotting down my thoughts because the next 6 months are going to be sure a helleuva ride.
** Disclamier: Grammer is not my forte and I won't be spending time correcting my punctuations and my the, their, there or whatever else exists. Its my thoughts you can read or let it go.
So June 26th 2014. My day started of pretty sweet I woke up at my usual 6:30 am time ( after spending the night with a headache and toothache - the wisdom tooth needs to be let go off). Drove to my lovely partner's place with my brother and we were to start our day by walking to work.
But as usual we are now late getting out of the house so what do we do?? Get a cab ( so much for getting our fitness level up - and oh I thought when I moved to downtown I'll walking lots. Yea I see more of laziness dawning on me).
I am not writting about my morning to tell you about my nitty gritty private life details, its because I have to highlight the funniest clumsy moment I landed myself in today. As, we are in the cab my lovely boyfriends ( whose patience I test and test so regularly ah what would I do without you) he hands me over his shake bottle. And guess what I do? SHAKE IT reallllly hard. But as we turn the corner I find myself ( clothes, his cltohes, bags, cab seat and much more) drenched in this milkshake. Wow I cannot fathom how I get myself into such situations. Is there are anyone else more clumby out there?
Well the 10 minute cab ride was just yucky I am still smelling a bit like strawberry banana and milk and my purse is a bit ruined. But I have to highlight my BF didn't say a word ( WOW) because if it was me I would be livid. So I think I need to give him kudos because boy if I had your patience and the assertiveness to deal with a 26 year old child I would be so much better.
In the process of getting out and rushing to work I also forgot my phone today and I have to say its been quite nice. For all the people who said I couldn't be without my phone I am doing really good and comteplating leaving at home on purpose next time. ( You can't reach me hahaha)
Anyways, so I am Yukti you already know I am 26 ( still a child becoming an adult slowwwwlyyy). I work for one of the leading OIl & gas companies in Alberta. My work is focused around Supply Chain Management. Currently, I am not in good state with my work trying to bring a change and evaluating where do I really want to be.
I have a lovely family with my ma, papa and my lovely brother. But last year I met someone very special who literally sweped me off my feet ( literally). I heart him quite dearly and he's become so close and important to me in such a short time that I still find myself pinching. I love my family a lot and they mean everything to me.
The reason for starting this blog is not to highlight my clumsiness or my career crisis. But its to capture some very lovely, not so lovely moments some days. I want to get in a habbit of capturing my memories that one day maybe my next generation can read to know more about me.
Life is about to change... And I think I have always fought this thought that I can handle change I am a strong, confident lady I can handle anything. But the reality is it doesn't always come easy. I am thinker and someone who will push back to change quite a bit.
I am about to start the next chapter of my life spend the rest of my life with my man I love so very much. Am I excited? You bet I am, I can't contain it anymore. And for anyone who knows me yeah I don't really hold news inside for very long.
But as I move onto this next chapter I am just starting to realize how much is changing, so many new people, responsibilities and adventures are about to come my way. I am really excited and this blog will help me capture my thoughts & frustrations some day mostly just the memories.
If you come accross this somehow I hope you know we are all going through the same experience just at different times in our lives. Keep your head up and just cruise along :-) 

The next blog I am hoping to capture the wedding planning - Oh just wait this will be exciting.

Till Then...


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